Everything that pushes up out of the earth I love. Everything under the earth, root vegetables, I love to cook. Alain Ducasse cookearthlove Change image and share on social
I have a very nice garden and extraordinary markets, where there are products from the earth and the sea, in the French Basque country. Alain Ducasse basquecountryearth Change image and share on social
There are so many impassioned winemakers. I think there are more impassioned winemakers than chefs. Alain Ducasse chefimpassionedwinemaker Change image and share on social
In France, I am the fifth artisan to produce his own chocolate, and the others have been doing it for a long time. Alain Ducasse artisanchocolatefrance Change image and share on social
London is the most important city in the world for restaurants. Alain Ducasse cityimportantlondon Change image and share on social
I have an obsession for quality. I work for my guests, not to obtain Michelin stars. Alain Ducasse guestmichelinobsession Change image and share on social
The restaurants express the spirit of the chef, the spirit of the city, the country. Alain Ducasse chefcitycountry Change image and share on social
Everywhere in the world there are tensions - economic, political, religious. So we need chocolate. Alain Ducasse chocolateeconomicpolitical Change image and share on social
Gastronomy is my hobby. I'm simply the casting director. Once I've brought all the right people together, it is they who must work together to tell a story. Alain Ducasse bringcastdirector Change image and share on social
TV is a deformed vision, an excessive caricature. A chef has to stay an artisan, not become a star. Alain Ducasse artisancaricaturechef Change image and share on social