Time ripens all things; no man is born wise. Miguel de Cervantes bearmanripen Change image and share on social
Every day, I just thank the universe that I am as lucky as I am. Because, I went through periods of time when I didn't have a single bit of work. Months and months where I was auditioning all the time. I mean, all the time, and nothing was happening. Melissa Benoist auditionbiteday share on social
Shooting stuff on horseback is more complicated and time consuming than anything else. Mark Addy complicateconsumehorseback Change image and share on social
The problem as you get older... is that you become more self-aware. At the same time, you have to surprise yourself. There's no way of arranging the surprise, so it is tricky. Seamus Heaney arrangeawareold Change image and share on social
It's time to permanently lower America's tax gate so that the $2 trillion in stranded U.S. profits can flow back into America to be invested in new jobs, research and growth. Kevin Brady americabackflow Change image and share on social
The 20s are like the stem cell of human development: the pluripotent moment when any of several outcomes is possible. Decisions and actions during this time have lasting ramifications. Robin Marantz Henig 20sactioncell Change image and share on social
You can track elections by who was playing that president on 'SNL' at that time. There's the theory that the more likable or charismatic impression would help get the president elected. Jordan Peele charismaticelectelection Change image and share on social
Any time I claimed to be white, that would be unacceptable. It just doesn't make sense in people's minds. If I'm white, how can I walk through a department store and still have people scared that I'm going to rob them? Which, that can still happen. Jordan Peele claimdepartmenthappen share on social
I'm single, and I think that by the time I met someone - if I were ever to meet the right person, which I don't think I will, because I am too fussy - my biological clock means that it will be too late. Julia Sawalha biologicalclockfussy share on social
I just love doing costume dramas; I am very lucky, as I see myself as a part-time time traveller. Julia Sawalha costumedramalove Change image and share on social