Out of all the actors I have worked with, I love working with Larry Hagman the most. We were very close and it was just a wonderful time. Barbara Eden actorclosehagman Change image and share on social
Actors have to make you believe that it's happening for the first time and all that jazz and make it human and at the same time entertain you. Tom Sizemore actorentertainhappen Change image and share on social
I remember thinking that I'd never show my arms on TV, but over time you loosen up. Megyn Kelly armloosenremember Change image and share on social
What an odd time to be a fundamentalist about adaptation and natural selection - when each major subdiscipline of evolutionary biology has been discovering other mechanisms as adjuncts to selection's centrality. Stephen Jay Gould adaptationadjunctbiology share on social
The Masters is where I won my first major, and I view this tournament with great respect. After a long and necessary time away from the game, I feel like I'm ready to start my season at Augusta. Tiger Woods augustafeelgame Change image and share on social
Just the type of music that was around at the same time as I was writing. Some of it was wicked, definitely. But there was just one direction which I thought could be pushed that no one was pushing. Tom Jenkinson directionmusicpush Change image and share on social
I was probably in the best shape of any athlete at the time, but you don't get to pass judgment on yourself. Steve Carlton athletejudgmentpas Change image and share on social
In England, when we're at drama school, we spend a lot of time learning the craft from playwrights and stage actors, who are very well trained in the basics of acting because they need to get it right the first time - you can't have second or third takes when you're in front of a live audience, unlike in film. Sam Claflin actactoraudience share on social
If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you'll receive good. Russell Simmons givegoodkarma Change image and share on social
If you whoop and holler all the time, the players just get used to it. Paul Bryant hollerplayertime Change image and share on social