I think, as a chef and restaurateur, that you have to take care of your business. Otherwise, you're only as good as your last meal. You have to watch if your food costs are too high, or you could be out of business in no time. Jean-Georges Vongerichten businesscarechef share on social
Food is a part of life. People are foodies and love to shop for food. Jean-Georges Vongerichten foodfoodylife Change image and share on social
I am a huge supporter of the Waxman foundation. Jean-Georges Vongerichten foundationhugesupporter Change image and share on social
The role of a chef isn't to reinvent dishes but to tweak. Jean-Georges Vongerichten chefdishreinvent Change image and share on social
My grandmother taught me how to make the basic pate brise pastry crust when I was young. The one thing I learned simply by eating her endless variations on delicious tarts for dinner every night is that this dough can be used for just about anything - sweet or savory. Jean-Georges Vongerichten basicbrisecrust share on social
I'm cooking 42 years, and I didn't know bananas are good for my brain. Jean-Georges Vongerichten bananabraincook Change image and share on social
My father was in the coal and heating business, and he wanted me to take over his business, and I resented every moment of it. So I would never force my kids to do what I do. Jean-Georges Vongerichten businesscoalfather Change image and share on social
The house is always full, and we're always cooking - outside, inside, for six, eight, a dozen, 20 people. Jean-Georges Vongerichten cookdozenfull Change image and share on social
I love Sunday lunches with the family that start at 1 P.M. and finish at 5 P.M. Jean-Georges Vongerichten familyfinishlove Change image and share on social
For friends, I love to make bruschetta. I grill country bread with Frantoia olive oil and make toppings, like crab, roasted squash, mushrooms, whatever's seasonal. Jean-Georges Vongerichten breadbruschettacountry Change image and share on social