Who has the best features? This was a little game, conducted several times and always with the same results, in seventh grade, the time when so many of life's little horrors begin. Caroline Knapp beginconductfeature Change image and share on social
When does money run out of time? The countdown begins when investable assets pose too much risk for too little return; when lenders desert credit markets for other alternatives such as cash or real assets. Bill Gross alternativeassetbegin share on social
The penalty for exceeding the time limit is the forfeiture of the game. Howard Staunton exceedforfeituregame Change image and share on social
Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are God. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are God. Christopher Hitchens affectioncatcompel share on social
I always said to myself that the minute I thought I'd slipped, and not be the player I wanted to be, it was time for me to go. Joe Sakic minuteplayerslip Change image and share on social
Of course my family and friends are incredibly valuable to me. They keep me sane, they teach me things and I love spending time with them. I think that ranking what you value is a sort of western and linear way of looking at things. Julia Stiles familyfriendincredibly share on social
Substance must emanate from spirit and is nothing else than the record of the spirit's conception of itself finding expression in space and time. Paul Twitchell conceptionemanateexpression Change image and share on social
September the 11th was a huge shock in the United States. It was the first time you had been hit at home in your own territory by terrorist on this scale. John Major 11thhithome Change image and share on social
I love being on stage. There's nothing better than that feeling; ever since the first time I was on stage, I was like, 'Oh, this is what it means to be fully alive and satisfied.' I don't think anything's as satisfying as a play. Mickey Sumner alivefeltfully share on social