What the U.S. should do consistently is to support the liberty of the Egyptian people. Ahmed Zewail consistentlyegyptianliberty Change image and share on social
In the 1970s, what I, as a young foreign student studying in the United States, found most dynamic, exciting and impressive about this country is what much of the world continues to value most about the U.S. today: its open intellectual culture, its great universities, its capacity for discovery and innovation. Ahmed Zewail 1970scapacitycontinue share on social
The universe at large is full of questions that we still don't know anything about, and there will be always young people, brilliant, who are going to make new discoveries. Ahmed Zewail brilliantdiscoveryfull Change image and share on social
I think I succeeded in getting the Egyptian people excited about the importance of science, and this is the only way Egypt can get out of this dark ages. Ahmed Zewail agedarkegypt Change image and share on social
Investing in science education and curiosity-driven research is investing in the future. Ahmed Zewail curiositydriveeducation Change image and share on social
Personally, I have been enriched by my experiences in Egypt and America, and feel fortunate to have been endowed with a true passion for knowledge. Ahmed Zewail americaegyptendow Change image and share on social
There is no 'master plan' on the road to the Nobel Prize. It represents a lot of hard work, a passion for that work and... being in the right place at the right time. For me, that place was Caltech. Ahmed Zewail caltechhardlot Change image and share on social
Some consider the removal of Dr. Mohammed Morsi a coup by the army against an elected president. Others treat it as the second revolution, or the continuation of the January 25, 2011, revolution. Ahmed Zewail armycontinuationcoup Change image and share on social
After World War II, scientific research in the U.S. was well supported. In the 1960s, when I came to America, the sky was the limit, and this conducive atmosphere enabled many of us to pursue esoteric research that resulted in America winning the lion's share of Nobel Prizes. Ahmed Zewail 1960samericaatmosphere share on social
There is little doubt that an unstable Syria will destabilize the whole Middle East. Ahmed Zewail destabilizedoubteast Change image and share on social