I'm still trying to make it. I'm still trying to get this over and do it and hopefully leave some kind of a mark on the course of American music, particularly in the tradition of what you might call the singer-songwriter. Steve Forbert americancallkind share on social
And the music, as far as a type of music, it's still pretty viable. Steve Forbert musicprettytype Change image and share on social
I've been traveling around to play music since before I even had a driver's license. Steve Forbert driverhavelicense Change image and share on social
If something doesn't work, you have to admit it. Always try to find what's going right and what's going wrong with your music. If you can, pool your resources and record yourself; do that frequently. Steve Forbert admitfindfrequently Change image and share on social
People can't stay out of their cars. I do think we have a real problem staying out of our automobiles. We have a real dependency on them, and it may be for more than just transportation. Steve Forbert automobilecardependency Change image and share on social
I have ideas in mind, things that I'm working toward. There have to be goals; there has to be a challenge. Just playing, in and of itself, is great. But there has to be some motivation to it. Steve Forbert challengegoalgreat Change image and share on social
I just play, and I'm always trying to write songs. Steve Forbert playsongwrite Change image and share on social
I don't cringe when I think of doing old material. A lot of the people have been with me through the years. Steve Forbert cringelotmaterial Change image and share on social
So I played the acoustic guitar and harmonica and stomped my foot and I think I was right in assuming that Greenwich Village would be the best place to perform my own material and possibly get some attention, move on to making records and all. Steve Forbert acousticassumeattention share on social
You have a song, and people know it. It's like a calling card for you. Steve Forbert callcardpeople Change image and share on social