I don't know of many people who've done sex research with an eye toward people saying sex is bad for you, except for the promiscuity and cervical cancer link - which is actually a valid discovery. Mary Roach badcancercervical Change image and share on social
Fletcherizing is gross. I tried it once. I tried to go until it's all liquid, and it just creeps you out to be focusing so much on your chewing. Mary Roach chewcreepfletcherizing Change image and share on social
If ergonomists have their way, future products won't be built for some hypothetical average person but will conform to the biomechanical needs of whatever particular human body happens to come into contact with them. Mary Roach averagebiomechanicalbody share on social
I believe that not everything we humans encounter in our lives can be neatly and convincingly tucked away inside the orderly cabinetry of science. Mary Roach cabinetryconvincinglyencounter Change image and share on social
If I couldn't use food or love to define contentment, I would use reading. Mary Roach contentmentdefinefood Change image and share on social
To keep your he-man jaw muscles from smashing your precious teeth, the only set you have, the body evolved an automated braking system faster and more sophisticated than anything on a Lexus. The jaw knows its own strength. The faster and more recklessly you close your mouth, the less force the muscles are willing to apply. Mary Roach applyautomatebody share on social
It seems odd to think of tasting without any perceptive experience, but you are doing it right now. Humans have taste receptor cells in the gut, the voice box, the upper esophagus. But only the tongue's receptors report to the brain. Mary Roach boxbraincell share on social
When I'm done with a book, I always give it to someone with expertise in the topic and tell them to flag all of my stupid mistakes. Mary Roach bookexpertiseflag Change image and share on social
I get really excited about specific therapies, personalized therapies. Like, let's say, taking a piece of someone's tumor and testing a bunch of treatments in a lab and being able to come up with the right therapy for that specific patient. Mary Roach bunchexcitelab share on social