The successful pilots succeeded because they did not open fire until they were close to the target. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes close fire open
The sea from Dunkirk to Dover during these days of the evacuation looked like any coastal road in England on a bank holiday. It was solid with shipping. Douglas Bader bankcoastalday Change image and share on social
We were all flying around up and down the coast near Dunkirk looking for enemy aircraft which seemed also to be milling around with no particular cohesion. Douglas Bader aircraftcoastcohesion Change image and share on social
I then realized my appearance was a bit odd. My right leg was no longer with me. It had caught somewhere in the top of the cockpit as I tried to leave my Spitfire. Douglas Bader appearancebitecatch Change image and share on social
If my house was on fire, I can't compromise about which part of the house I'm going to save. You save the whole house or it will all burn down. We either save this country or we do not. Marco Rubio burncompromisecountry Change image and share on social
I don't think fashion has to change every five minutes. I'd like these to be clothes you can wear for a long time - ten, 20 years; pass on to your daughter. Why buy vintage when you can open your own closet! Tom Ford buychangecloset share on social
The thrill of a photo-realist painter is if you get really close to the painting, it looks just like a photograph. Whereas in my case, if you get close to my paintings, they totally fall apart - so I'm about as far from a photo-realist as it gets. Marilyn Minter caseclosefall share on social