I always say, 'Perfection is the flaw. It doesn't exist.' I saw something somewhere about 'porcelain pores' - you're not even allowed to have pores anymore! Marilyn Minter allowanymoreexist Change image and share on social
I work in a studio with lots of young people, most of whom are my former students. We delight in trading YouTube videos! We all stop working to watch them. I'm totally addicted to anything with kittens and puppies, but 'Very Scared Kid' is one of my favorites. Marilyn Minter addictdelightfavorite share on social
I think I might be hitting the zeitgeist. All around you, you're looking at beautiful people that have been turned into robots. Maybe the eye is craving a little upper lip fur. Marilyn Minter beautifulcraveeye Change image and share on social
I don't follow anybody. I just flip through whatever Instagram sends me. I like to keep my algorithm pure, so I only ever like pictures of art. It's a rabbit hole for me because I'm a total voyeur. Marilyn Minter algorithmartflip Change image and share on social
My work is about the world I live in. So, I sort of make a picture of my life or our lives. I'm always looking for something that is overlooked, so I need to constantly be aware of what's going on. Marilyn Minter awareconstantlylife Change image and share on social
The fashion world tells me how much they love my work, but they don't hire me very often. Tom Ford did, and he hated it. Naturally, he wanted to Photoshop away the imperfections, which is perfectly understandable. They want their vision. Marilyn Minter fashionfordhate share on social
Art about art and backstory has taken over visual pleasure. Marilyn Minter artbackstorypleasure Change image and share on social
If you really have something to say, sooner or later it will be heard. And if you're lucky you'll still be alive. Marilyn Minter alivehearlucky Change image and share on social
When I see an artist whose work I like at a party - I'm old now, so I can do this - I go right over and tell them how much I like their work. Instantly, I'm on their side. The act of saying it takes away the competition. The act of saying it makes me not hate them anymore, because they're good. Marilyn Minter actanymoreartist share on social
I feed off the fashion world like a parasite. Marilyn Minter fashionfeedparasite Change image and share on social