If I think more about death than some other people, it is probably because I love life more than they do. Angelina Jolie deathlifelove Change image and share on social
I started Friends of Finn to raise money and awareness about the issue of puppy mills, which are illegal breeding facilities where animals are often bred to death and mistreated. It's a prevalent problem and a million dollar industry in the United States. Amanda Hearst animalawarenessbreed share on social
Personally I am very much against the death penalty for several reasons. Alan Parker deathpenaltypersonally Change image and share on social
The world reacts very strangely to people they see on TV, and I can begin to understand how anchor monsters are made. If you're not careful, you can become used to being treated as though you're special and begin to expect it. For a reporter, that's the kiss of death. Anderson Cooper anchorbegincareful share on social
Death is the easiest of all things after it, and the hardest of all things before it. Abu Bakr deatheasyhard Change image and share on social
For centuries the death penalty, often accompanied by barbarous refinements, has been trying to hold crime in check; yet crime persists. Why? Because the instincts that are warring in man are not, as the law claims, constant forces in a state of equilibrium. Albert Camus accompanybarbarouscentury share on social
I am not made for politics because I am incapable of wanting or accepting the death of the adversary. Albert Camus acceptadversarydeath Change image and share on social
We get into the habit of living before acquiring the habit of thinking. In that race which daily hastens us towards death, the body maintains its irreparable lead. Albert Camus acquirebodydaily Change image and share on social
I was blessed with a birth and a death, and I guess I just want some say in between. Ani DiFranco birthblessdeath Change image and share on social
The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead. Albert Einstein accidentdeaddeath Change image and share on social