The hardest part was when I was in high school not having a job and always being broke. I had to get to auditions without a car. I either took the bus or walked. auditionbreakbus share on social
The keyboard is my whole life. My life is centered around either sitting at my keyboard or driving my car. Those are the two most important things, more than anything else. Being at my keyboard, it's the happiest time for me. Brian Wilson carcenterdrive share on social
Going to church doesn't make you any more a Christian than going to the garage makes you a car. Laurence J. Peter carchristianchurch Change image and share on social
The amount of energy saved by switching off the phone charger is exactly the same as the energy used by driving an average car for one second. David J. C. MacKay amountaveragecar Change image and share on social
When someone drew a picture of Pope John wearing an Avis 'We try harder' button, those words no longer meant which car rental to patronize, and yet some of the overtones from its original meaning are there and make a contribution to the new situation. Corita Kent avisbuttoncar share on social
It's funny; I'm in some ways hopelessly masculine, but I don't fish, I don't hunt, I'm not that into sports. I can't fix a car. I think it's my point of view and the way I see the world. Corey Stoll carfishfix Change image and share on social
Everyone loved my father. He was so nice that people took advantage of him. We were lower middle class. I slept in the hallway on a cot that rolled away during the day, and my younger brother and sister slept in my parents' room. My goal as a kid was to someday have my own room and to own a car - and I wanted to be able to take care of my parents. Jerry Reinsdorf advantagebrothercar share on social
I think we'll be in pretty good shape. We've got the same car we ran in all the speedway races since 2001, and it's been a real good car for us. It's led every race we've been in. Sterling Marlin cargoodhave Change image and share on social
My engineer dad is where my technical acumen comes from. I remember him taking me to the factories to see how what works. Often he used to open up his motorbike to fix things and I saw how the wheels worked. His car used to be open for dissection very regularly. All this taught me and inspired me to look beyond what I could see on the skin. Bibhu Mohapatra acumencardad share on social
You need someone to tell you how to do things like hitting your marks, or driving a car so it looks right or getting out of a car so it doesn't take a million years of screen time. Gary Cole cardrivehit Change image and share on social