If you think about jeans or phones or television, we are used to new brands popping up right and left. But in the car industry, we grew up with Mercedes, BMW, General Motors, and Ford, and nobody can remember during his or her upbringing a new car brand coming to life. Henrik Fisker bmwbrandcar share on social
We talked about many issues, like welfare, is it the way of life or hand up? Talked about size of government, how much should it tax families and small businesses? And when we left that lunch, we got in the car and I looked over at Chuck and said, 'I'll be damned. we're Republicans.' Susana Martinez businesscarchuck share on social
I grew up in Oklahoma and Missouri, and I just loved film. My folks would take us to the drive-in on summer nights, and we'd sit on the hood of the car. I just had this profound love for storytelling. Brad Pitt cardrivefilm Change image and share on social
I've still got that little freedom part of me that wants to have a car that looks really sexy. Patrice O'Neal carfreedomhave Change image and share on social
I don't run a car, have never run a car. I could say that this is because I have this extremely tender environmentalist conscience, but the fact is I hate driving. David Attenborough carconsciencedrive Change image and share on social
If you come down to it, there's only a handful of worlds that action films live in. You have your car chases, your gun fights, and your fights. James Wan actioncarchase Change image and share on social
I'm a car fanatic and each morning I wake up with a smile on my face, whether I'm commentating on the Formula One or at Silver Hatch racetrack in Roary the Racing Car. Murray Walker carcommentateface Change image and share on social
During long car rides to the set, after I study my script, I go onto my iPad to read books and play games. Nolan Gould bookcargame Change image and share on social
I am a racer. I'm not a race car driver. I am a racer. I race. That's what I do. I don't go on vacations. I don't take my family on vacations because I don't have a family. My family is the racing family. Tony Stewart cardriverfamily share on social
I'm more into, like, colour than, like, the type of car and stuff. I don't know much about cars, so I'm just more into picking the right color. Miranda Cosgrove carcolorcolour Change image and share on social