You can take lessons to become almost anything: flying lessons, piano lessons, skydiving lessons, acting lessons, race car driving lessons, singing lessons. But there's no class for comedy. You have to be born with it. God has to give you this gift. Steve Harvey actbearcar share on social
People look at me weird because I'm a Howard Stern fan, but he's very misunderstood. It's the first thing I do when I get in my car at a tournament - just pray that I get Howard 100 on Sirius or XM. Keegan Bradley carfanhoward Change image and share on social
If you're one car accident away from poverty, you're on a high wire without a safety net. And that's a challenging proposition. Thomas Perez accidentcarchallenge Change image and share on social
Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards. Fred Hoyle cardrivehour Change image and share on social
I was always an observer, even as a child. I could be satisfied to sit in a car for 3 hours and just look at the street go by while my mother went shopping. Jonathan Winters carchildhour Change image and share on social
I think there's a suspicion in the South of people putting on airs. You see it in most successful Southern politicians, but you also see it in someone like Richard Petty, who may be a multimillionaire stock car driver, but he's also beloved because he has a nice self-deprecatory way about him. John Shelton Reed airbelovedcar share on social
My worst ever car was a green Datsun B210, back when they called it 'Datsun' - now it's 'Nissan.' Very unsexy, unattractive. Girls hated the car. I was embarrassed to even be in it... but it was my transportation. Ice Cube b210backbad share on social
'Data exhaust' is probably my least favorite phrase in the big data world 'cause it sounds like something you're trying to get rid of or something noxious that comes out of the back of your car. Rick Smolan backbigcar Change image and share on social
Living in L.A. keeps me in my car a lot, and I'm constantly flipping back and forth between the following Sirius/XM Radio stations: NFL Radio, MLB Radio, POTUS, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News. R. J. Cutler backcarcnn Change image and share on social
We aren't addicted to oil, but our cars are. James Woolsey addictcaroil Change image and share on social