Canadians are very well behaved, they don't throw their food. Calvin Trillin behavecanadianfood Change image and share on social
What interests me is what you might call vernacular writing, writing that connects you to a place. Calvin Trillin callconnectinterest Change image and share on social
If it's inappropriate to write about, if there's nothing funny about it, then it's not funny. Calvin Trillin funnyinappropriatewrite Change image and share on social
The shelf life of the average trade book is somewhere between milk and yogurt. Calvin Trillin averagebooklife Change image and share on social
When you're writing, you are robbed of your delivery. Calvin Trillin deliveryrobwrite Change image and share on social
The question about those aromatic advertisements that perfume companies are having stitched into magazines these days is this: under the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment, is smelling up the place a constitutionally protected form of expression? Calvin Trillin advertisementamendmentaromatic share on social
I'm more disturbed when people expect me to be serious. Calvin Trillin disturbexpectpeople Change image and share on social
What campaigns are for is weeding out the people who, for one way or another, weren't making it for the long haul. Calvin Trillin campaignhaullong Change image and share on social