To refrain from imitation is the best revenge. Marcus Aurelius imitationrefrainrevenge Change image and share on social
The day of parochialism in sports is over. The world is too small for what people like to call 'the good old days.' Fans want the best, wherever they come from. Mario Andretti calldayfan Change image and share on social
It would probably strike the average politician as absurd to argue that the best way to fix the economy is to stop trying to 'fix it.' David Harsanyi absurdargueaverage Change image and share on social
Lately though I've been in love with myself and I've become my own best friend. Chrisette Michele friendhavelove Change image and share on social
With this silent film, I wanted to hide what was going on in the clinic. I wanted to cover it up in the best cinematic way and in an entertaining manner. Pedro Almodovar cinematiccliniccover Change image and share on social
I'll never forget the time my mother showed up with her best friend and two daughters, and all four of us dressed up in matching clothes, shoes and hats to go pick up my brother from school. I thought it was a fun thing to do, but we stepped outside my brother's school and he was mortified! Blake Lively brotherclothedaughter share on social
Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set. Francis Bacon plainrichset Change image and share on social
Certainly the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried, or childless men. Francis Bacon childlessgreatman Change image and share on social
I want a desirable place to work to attract and keep them here. So you try to create an environment for people to do their best work, and be generous on the benefit side. Joe Mansueto attractbenefitcreate Change image and share on social
I love to cook, and I've just gotten more and more into it over the years, just because it's the best way to stay creative. Brie Larson cookcreativehave Change image and share on social