I'm very social, and in a place like New York, even if you're alone on the subway, you never feel lonely. Ana Gasteyer feellonelyplace Change image and share on social
Journalism wishes to tell what it is that has happened everywhere as though the same things had happened for every man. Poetry wishes to say what it is like for any man to be himself in the presence of a particular occurrence as though only he were alone there. Archibald MacLeish happenjournalismman share on social
I didn't ever imagine, except in the most idle, obviously wish-fulfillment, ego-gratification fantasies, that anything I wrote would ever win awards, let alone so many. Ann Leckie awardegofantasy Change image and share on social
You write alone, but you write hoping that there will be readers who will connect with what you write, and it's so wonderful and amazing - I can't even tell you - when that actually happens. Ann Leckie amazeconnecthope Change image and share on social
Hollywood wants its heroes to be virtuous, but it defines virtue in a way that excludes any action that is self-interested. If virtue means putting others ahead of self, then it's clear that most people, let alone most capitalists, aren't very virtuous. Alex Tabarrok actionaheadcapitalist share on social
So it is necessary that we should learn to be alone. Anna Neagle learn Change image and share on social
I think sometimes if you are alone, you are freer because your time is your own. Aung San Suu Kyi freetime Change image and share on social
We all get stuck. We all lose ourselves a little bit in a fantasy or in our jobs and forget how we feel about other things. It's really important to check yourself, to spend some time alone. Amanda Seyfried bitecheckfantasy Change image and share on social
I like to say I sit alone in my room, and I fight the language. I am wildly obsessive. I can't let something go if I think it's wrong. Alan Furst fightlanguageobsessive Change image and share on social
I am so very honored to be the recipient of MIPCOM's 2011 Personality of the Year. However, the accomplishments that have led to this honor are not mine alone. They are the result of the tireless efforts of so very many talented colleagues. Anne Sweeney accomplishmentcolleagueeffort share on social