My novel 'Wolf Brother' is set in northern Scandinavia during the late Stone Age, so I was aware from the start of Norse influences. I used some Norse names, and the soul-eater Thiazzi is based on the Norse storm giant, Thiassi. Michelle Paver ageawarebase share on social
Truly, from a very early age, I started distancing myself from other kids, not out of willingness, but just out of the nature of my energy. I liked to do things solely, and I already had a taste of the quest for perfection, which is unusual in a little kid. Philippe Petit agedistanceearly share on social
One of the many pleasures of old age is giving things up. Malcolm Muggeridge agegivepleasure Change image and share on social
Sure I played, did you think I was born at the age of 70 sitting in a dugout trying to manage guys like you? Casey Stengel agebeardugout Change image and share on social
I would say that we are living in an age that is increasingly spiritually blind and morally deaf. The man who does not shout is not going to be heard. Richard Platt ageblinddeaf Change image and share on social
Even though I played national level badminton, I told my parents when I was in 10th that I was not interested in continuing. Being a model or actor fascinated me from a young age, and I even did a couple of ads when I was just eight years old. Deepika Padukone 10thactorage share on social
I don't think I am a star; I consider myself like any other girl who is of my age. Others may be working in office and doing different jobs. Similarly I don't think I am doing something different... I am also working. Deepika Padukone agegirljob share on social
I have to say, I loved working on 'Men of a Certain Age.' It was a real shame when that show got canceled. Sarah Clarke agecanceledlove Change image and share on social
I'm probably so out of it at my age that I don't know what people think. Sharon Olds agepeople Change image and share on social
I never spent much time with people my own age. David Karp agepeoplespend Change image and share on social