Many people would no more think of entering journalism than the sewage business - which at least does us all some good. Stephen Fry businessentergood Change image and share on social
I'm a bit of a coward, and lazy, oddly enough. Stephen Fry bitecowardlazy Change image and share on social
I went to Cambridge and thought I would stay there. I thought I would quietly grow tweed in a corner somewhere and become a Don or something. Stephen Fry cambridgecornerdon Change image and share on social
Now, bipolar disorder, it goes on a spectrum. There's very severe conditions of it and there are milder ones. I'm lucky enough that it's reasonably mild in my case. Stephen Fry bipolarcasecondition Change image and share on social
When you've seen a nude infant doing a backward somersault you know why clothing exists. Stephen Fry backwardcltheexist Change image and share on social
I think we have all experienced passion that is not in any sense reasonable. Stephen Fry experiencepassionreasonable Change image and share on social
But happiness is no respecter of persons. Stephen Fry happinesspersonrespecter Change image and share on social
Having been an actor and a writer for so long - 20 years or so - I felt that it would be daft to go to one's grave without having directed. It's a natural extension of writing and acting, and so I knew it would happen one day. Stephen Fry actactordaft share on social
You can act in five, six, or seven films in the time it takes to direct one film. Stephen Fry actdirectfilm Change image and share on social
I don't need you to remind me of my age. I have a bladder to do that for me. Stephen Fry agebladderremind Change image and share on social