I was missing out on a lot of things that my friends were doing, but in another way, they were missing things I was doing. It was kind of a trade-off I had to make. Victoria Azarenka friendkindlot Change image and share on social
I'll never be like a Barbie girl, that's for sure. Victoria Azarenka barbiegirlwill Change image and share on social
Things are never perfect, so I never get too high about things, or get too down about things anymore. Victoria Azarenka anymorehighperfect Change image and share on social
I love New York. It's one of my favorite cities. Victoria Azarenka cityfavoritelove Change image and share on social
I have learned how to better handle things as they come. Victoria Azarenka handlelearnthing Change image and share on social
There are so many steps you have to go through to reach a high level, so you're kind of building your own, I would say, mountain. You have to go piece by piece by piece. When you're young and really ambitious, you want to jump right up. It kind of teaches you a lesson, I would say. Victoria Azarenka ambitiousbuildhigh share on social
My grandmother is the person who inspires me the most. Victoria Azarenka grandmotherinspireperson Change image and share on social
I'm not a big fan of watching my matches. Victoria Azarenka bigfanmatch Change image and share on social
I like to go shopping, to the movies, all the girl stuff. Just a normal girl. Victoria Azarenka girlmovienormal Change image and share on social