Sometimes it's like watching a train wreck. You're uncomfortable, but you just can't help yourself. Some of those so-called bad interviews actually turned into compelling television. Tony Danza badcallcompel Change image and share on social
I'm an American songbook guy, though I've got eclectic tastes. I really love the American songbook. I've taken up the ukulele, and so you can play 'Five Foot Two' and Hawaiian music, but you can also do some of the great tunes, like 'You Go to My Head,' 'I Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out to Dry,' 'Taking a Chance on Love.' Tony Danza americanchanceeclectic share on social
I got this call that they wanted me to join this cast. They called it a family show, and it thought that it would be similar to all family shows. I wasn't sure about this until I watched some tapes, and was amazed. Tony Danza amazecallcast share on social
I was training in Gleason's Gym on 30th and 8th Avenue, where it was the Mecca of boxing, and a guy walked in who couldn't rub two quarters together and said, 'Did you ever think of being on TV?' And somehow I ended up in 'Taxi,' which is the craziest thing of all. Tony Danza 30th8thavenue share on social
There was a time when watching a cartoon was a nurturing experience. You would watch a Warner Bros. cartoon, and at the end of it you could probably win 'Jeopardy.' Tony Danza brocartoonend Change image and share on social
The great thing about getting married young like I did and having a child so young is that he gets to know all the relatives. He knew his great-grandmother, and we sat down together and tied down the stories of our uncles and aunts. They were quite the characters, and we tied them to about 50 recipes. It's like a memoir-cookbook. Tony Danza auntcharacterchild share on social
I am looking forward to getting to do things I have never done before. Tony Danza forwardthing Change image and share on social
Hold back the tide. Keep your kids innocent as long as possible. Tony Danza backholdinnocent Change image and share on social
I am a singer and dancer, and I've been perfecting it for a lot of years. Tony Danza dancerhavelot Change image and share on social
I did Vibe, and I felt old and paternal. I've got ties older than people in that audience. I had a talk with myself. I said, You've got to deal with this better. Tony Danza audiencedealfelt Change image and share on social