Being taken seriously, for a young writer, is a wonderful form of encouragement, but at the same time, I don't think one should ever feel like attempting a kind of artistic endeavor is beyond your scope just because of age or inexperience. Tea Obreht ageartisticattempt share on social
I'm going to keep on finding out the kind of man I am through my music. That's the one place I can be free. But the reason it's difficult is because I'm changing all the time. Charles Mingus changedifficultfind Change image and share on social
I don't believe in updating. If a play works, it draws something from being true to its time. Frank D. Gilroy drawplaytime Change image and share on social
As long as we, in the United States, continue to insist that our politicians have to spend all of their time raising millions of dollars for television ads, it will be corrupt. If we leave it up to the politicians to clean up lobbying and finance reform, nothing is going to change. Kevin Spacey changecleancontinue share on social
I don't know what's going to happen. I'm flavor of the month at the moment, but somebody else is going to roll around the corner in three months' time. I just want to keep working. I can't stop! Michael Fassbender cornerflavorhappen Change image and share on social
I discovered 'Rite of Spring' when I was 21. As a matter of fact, not with orchestra first, because it was still a work which was not often performed. Don't forget that I was 19 in 1944, still the Occupation time. So it was performed slightly after the end of the war, in 1945. Pierre Boulez discoverendfact share on social
Your life goes on, and then your life goes on plus 'Star Wars.' It's just been an incredible time. Daisy Ridley incrediblelifestar Change image and share on social
The doughy-faced woman has been forced to sit on the sidelines of culture for too long, and it's now time for us to stand up with our big round faces like the moon and say we have things to say, too. We have a round-faced agenda we want to push. Caitlin Moran agendumbigculture share on social
Very ambitious startups often take a long time to work - or sometimes they take a very long time to look ambitious. Sam Altman ambitiouslongstartup Change image and share on social
The start-ups that do well are the ones that are working all the time. Sam Altman starttimework Change image and share on social