Most ecclesiastical relics are fixed in time at the moment of their manufacture. That is why they are offered for veneration in casings that resemble pocket watches. They have lost their claim to mystery because they are so clearly the products of time. Eugene Kennedy casingclaimecclesiastical share on social
9/11 allowed us to witness the ordinary face of goodness in the love that those about to die brought with them to work that day. It is fitting that we refer to a large segment of the church year as Ordinary Time because it describes the look of the true faith that, as we read of the Kingdom, is spread about us. Eugene Kennedy allowbringchurch share on social
There's so much happenstance, so many accidents - stumbling into something and finding it interesting and living with it over time and building on it. It's okay to work from doubt. You need to be willing to not know. Ellen Gallagher accidentbuilddoubt share on social
I definitely had a hard time leaving for college because I'm not much of a risk-taker. Rainbow Rowell collegehardleave Change image and share on social
Well, I'm working all the time to stay out of trouble! Eminem staytimetrouble Change image and share on social
I believe if people understood each other more, if people took the time and realize it's not 'all about me' and I'm on a big planet with a lot of other people and concerns, maybe we can learn how to get along with each other. Esai Morales bigconcernlearn share on social
Our app for Xbox 360 brings Twitch video to the television and into the living room of millions of Xbox Live members for the first time. The app will let every Xbox Live gamer find and watch streams of their favorite games from their couch. Emmett Shear appbringcouch share on social
The thing I miss about L.A. is time. I feel like I had much more time there, partly because no one is ever really doing anything. Emily Mortimer feelmispartly Change image and share on social
I went to dinner with my mother-in-law and I just realized I was talking in sound bites to her and expecting her to laugh every time I said anything or be jotting something down in a notebook. So you have to kind of really have a talk with yourself after you've done a press tour and say, 'Chill out!' Emily Mortimer bitechilldinner share on social
I'm not very good at time off. I'm happier when I'm working. It's something to do with not knowing what the next job is, so you appreciate it while it's there. I thrive on it, actually. But now I do it to please myself. Emilia Fox goodhappyjob share on social