The most useful form of time travel would be to go back a year or two and rectify the mistakes we made. Matt Lucas backformmake Change image and share on social
I can't remember a time when I didn't want to be in show business! Maria Canals Barrera businessremembershow Change image and share on social
It's like someone cutting up a loved one in front of you, all the time insisting they've got your best interests at heart. They're very devious nowadays. Malcolm Wilson cutdeviousfront Change image and share on social
I don't believe that recordings should sound radically better than the artist, I think that's dishonest. For example, I'm not a great singer but if I spent enough time tweaking my vocals, I could sound like one. But I don't, what you hear is pretty much what I sing. Malcolm Wilson artistdishonestgreat share on social
Here's the thing about lingerie: The only time we see it outside our own bedrooms, it is on women who are gloriously freakish in their physical perfection. Lynn Coady bedroomfreakishgloriously Change image and share on social
I love acting; I love movie sets and movies, but, at the same time, there's something about the position of women in that world that frightens me a lot. I find it nearly inhuman to be an actress. Lou Doillon actactressfind Change image and share on social
I've been involved with law enforcement for some time. My father was in law enforcement. I went through the training for Homeland Security. I enjoy it very much. Lou Ferrigno enforcementenjoyfather Change image and share on social
True there has been more talk of peace since 1945 than, I should think, at any other time in history. At least we hear more and read more about it because man's words, for good or ill, can now so easily reach the millions. Lester B. Pearson easilygoodhear share on social
If we had had more time for discussion we should probably have made a great many more mistakes. Leon Trotsky discussiongreatmake Change image and share on social
Shooting guns is not something I would do in my spare time. I really don't understand why Americans can purchase guns so easily and why they use them for sporting purposes. Lena Headey americaneasilygun Change image and share on social