We all have those dreams of going back in time and seeing what it was like when our parents were younger. Simon Helberg backdreamparent Change image and share on social
Time for me is double-edged: every day brings me further from the low of my last cancer relapse, but every day also brings me closer to the next cancer recurrence - and eventually, death. Perhaps later than I think, but certainly sooner than I desire. Paul Kalanithi bringcancerclose share on social
I grew up in the time of Germany after the war. Bernhard Langer germanygrowtime Change image and share on social
I wrote my first play as extra credit for my fourth grade English class. 'Can Helen Stop Smoking' was a satire on the ill effects of cigarette smoking. My friend Vicki Haugabrook played as Helen and I directed the show. At the time, my brother Vince was leading the campaign to get our grandmother to quit. T'Keyah Crystal Keymah brothercampaigncigarette share on social
I think of my poems as personal and public at the same time. You could say they serve as psychological overlays. One fits on top of the other, and hopefully there's an ongoing evolution of clarity. Yusef Komunyakaa clarityevolutionfit Change image and share on social
I want to spend more time with those kids. I want to dedicate my time to train those kids and teach them what it takes, what they need to do to get to this level. Thomas Dooley dedicatekidlevel Change image and share on social
Those three years ended with June 1933. At that time I left Princeton, having submitted my Ph.D. thesis. Stephen Cole Kleene endjuneleave Change image and share on social
Watergate was unique because it allowed the public to play its democratic role in expressing its outrage at the presidency. And as a result, for the first time in history a president resigned. Samuel Dash allowdemocraticexpress Change image and share on social
I try to avoid the temptation with time as a total indicator for what my possibilities are for the marathon. It's the not the best indicator, but it's more how you feel, how you cover the distance and how you are able to do the training afterward. Ryan Hall afterwardavoidcover share on social
I came here as a practical man, to talk, not simply on the question of peace and war, but to treat another question which is of hardly less importance - the enormous and burdensome standing armaments which it is the practice of modern Governments to sustain in time of peace. Richard Cobden armamentburdensomeenormous share on social