I am a huge Bollywood fan, and my favourite actor of all time is Shah Rukh Khan. Saina Nehwal actorbollywoodfan Change image and share on social
People say funny things all the time during really serious moments in life. Mark Ruffalo funnylifemoment Change image and share on social
I was exposed to a mix of cultures, lots of different religions and beliefs. I was a spiritual kid and went to Indian powwows and Buddhist temples. But over a period of time, with reading and thinking, I started to feel it was all so absurd: The whole idea of life after death is ridiculous. Harvey Fierstein absurdbeliefbuddhist share on social
Although Patterson Beams was not my first plug-in, I knew from the beginning that I would write it, because the single biggest time consuming factor for me was editing each beam manually. Robert Patterson beambeginbig Change image and share on social
People ask me all the time what it is about Australia that produces so many big stars. Honestly, I believe it is a combination of things. Our education standards are quite high, but our industry is very limited. Yet we're very aware of the industry - everyone goes to the theater, sees TV shows. Margot Robbie australiaawarebig share on social
The notion of 'history from below' hit the history profession in England very hard around the time I came to Oxford in the early 1960s. Robert Darnton 1960searlyengland Change image and share on social
I just don't like when there's a rumor that says I'm dating someone who is below my standards. But when I got divorced, my ex-wife said I was spending all my time with Lindsay Lohan and Angelina Jolie. I was like, 'Thank you for the big ups!' Marilyn Manson angelinabigdate share on social
Of course having a baby derails the writing process for some time. And I will be the first to say that I have essentially no social life, because there's just nothing left after being a mom, professor, and writer. I used to be big into rock climbing. No more. A lot falls by the wayside. Marie Rutkoski babybigclimb share on social
One of the things that always fascinated me about the Renaissance was that it was a time both of great scientific discovery and also of superstition and belief in magic. And so it was a period in which Galileo invented the telescope, but also a time when hundreds were burned at the stake because people thought they were witches. Marie Rutkoski beliefburndiscovery share on social
I used to work for 12 or 14 hours at a time but the digital age has made such happy immersions almost impossible. Richard Powers agedigitalhappy Change image and share on social