At this time, the only thing that would get me back in the ring is something that would positively impact those in need. If selling out another major event would allow me to bring a ship full of supplies to hand out to those in need, I'd say that would be very significant. Bill Goldberg backbringevent share on social
Jim Carrey, a comic genius, has a harder time overcoming the public's desire for him to be funny simply because he's so good at it. Ben Stiller carreycomicdesire Change image and share on social
Starting a band is the easy part. Once you've formed the band, you have to tell a story, and that story requires songs. And not just good songs, but great songs. After a while, great songs won't do - they have to be the best. Success doesn't make it any easier. Each time I start a new record, it's a brand-new search. The Edge bandbrandeasy share on social
The joy of doing 'Sandman' was doing a comic and telling people, 'No, it has an end,' at a time when nobody thought you could actually get to the end and stop doing a comic that people were still buying just because you'd finished. Neil Gaiman buycomicend share on social
You always draw on your experiences with live audiences to know how to do comedy on films. You're working for a laugh that may or may not come six months later, but you're working in a vacuum at the time you are doing it. Theodore Bikel audiencecomedydraw share on social
If I waited for inspiration every time I sat down to write a song I probably would be a plumber today. Barry Mann inspirationplumbersit Change image and share on social
You don't see many people crying over the wrong they do to God every time His word is neglected or when one willfully sins. Monica Johnson crygodneglect Change image and share on social
We are in an electronic technology age now and it's about time we put away the old stuff. Monica Edwards ageelectronicput Change image and share on social
You can take a chance with any man who pays his bills on time. Terence billchanceman Change image and share on social
One of the hardest things for me to do is watch myself. The first time I see it, I am obsessed with my left ear or my right ear or some other physical attribute, or the fact that I'm 60 or whatever shallow ego thought is running through my head. I'm just destroyed that I'm not Cary Grant or whatever. Ted Danson attributecarydestroy share on social