I remember, as a kid, riding in the back of my dad's old Saab 95 in Denmark. We were on the highway, and suddenly this silver Maserati Bora came upon us, then passed. At the time, to me, this car looked like a spaceship. Henrik Fisker backboracar share on social
My effort has been not only to put the Biblical incident in the original setting... but at the same time give the human touch to convey to my public the reverence and elevation these subjects impart to me. Henry Ossawa Tanner biblicalconveyeffort share on social
By giving the public a rich and full melody, distinctly arranged and well played, all the time creating new tone colors and patterns, I feel we have a better chance of being successful. I want a kick to my band, but I don't want the rhythm to hog the spotlight. Glenn Miller arrangebandchance share on social
I remember the first time I met my wife, Elisa. As a favor to a friend, I had gone to her home to pick up her sister, Frances. Elisa opened the door, and at least for me, it was love at first sight. Joseph B. Wirthlin doorelisafavor Change image and share on social
Every time I make a film, I feel it gives me the chance to learn something new. Joe Wright chancefeelfilm Change image and share on social
Galileo was no idiot. Only an idiot could believe that science requires martyrdom - that may be necessary in religion, but in time a scientific result will establish itself. David Hilbert establishgalileoidiot Change image and share on social
I'm so intrigued by women throughout history where the significance of what they were representing at that time is obscured by the fact a man saved them or they were prostitutes. Zoe Saldana facthistoryintrigue Change image and share on social
I'm always, all the time, eating chocolate. I eat pretty healthy, but then I go all out when it has to do with chocolate. Zoey Deutch chocolateeathealthy Change image and share on social
I'm still grappling with all the things most people resolve by the time they're 35. Maybe that's why I make music that is relevant to young people. I'm emotionally stuck at the age of 13. Siobhan Fahey ageemotionallygrapple Change image and share on social
Yes, hard is good. When I was in high school, I spent a lot of time on my knees playing with balls. I guess it was only natural that I became a catcher. Mike Piazza ballcatchergood Change image and share on social