When I first came to college, it was a time that I was trying to figure out, 'Who am I? What makes me special?' and I started to find most of my value in the fact that I was thin. Lindsey Stirling collegefactfigure Change image and share on social
In the music business, to survive for so long, you have to be able to cut off from your emotions sometimes. And being a father, you're faced with that situation. I know that my father was, with me. I understand why he had to be distant, because to rip yourself away, time after time, is almost more devastating. Rufus Wainwright businesscutdevastate share on social
I don't mean to criticize anyone in any way that I wouldn't criticize myself. I think people should have fun, and have a good time, and enjoy the luck that we have to be lazy and dwell in consumerism. But I think that it's a balance. And our job as actors is empathy. Natalie Portman actorbalanceconsumerism share on social
Swift speedy time, feathered with flying hours, Dissolves the beauty of the fairest brow. Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield beautybrowdissolve Change image and share on social
I love being in my garden. I don't plant a lot of exotic flora, but I do spend a lot of time outside doing manual labour. Jacqueline Bisset exoticfloragarden Change image and share on social
America is a very special place. In this country, you have the best and the worst at the same time. Whatever you can imagine. Marjane Satrapi americabadcountry Change image and share on social
Raft told me how to walk with him in a scene: We'd start off in a long shot normal, and about the time we got together in a close-up, I'd be bending my knees so I'd be shorter. Marie Windsor bendcloseknee Change image and share on social
Touring is very routine. You get to the city, you go to the hotel, you got to be at the hotel by a certain time - it's very routine. I'm not a very structured person, so when I get some structure, it's cool; it's good for me. J. Cole citycoolgood share on social
At a time when science plays such a powerful role in the life of society, when the destiny of the whole of mankind may hinge on the results of scientific research, it is incumbent on all scientists to be fully conscious of that role, and conduct themselves accordingly. Joseph Rotblat conductconsciousdestiny share on social
Successful people understand the value of time. Once they commit to doing something, they would never cancel. Raymond Arroyo cancelcommitpeople Change image and share on social