I think it's time that we have a women's show about the West. The concentration has been on the men and the Indians. Louis L'Amour concentrationindianman Change image and share on social
I have 3 kids and a cat and a busy, noisy house. I get more time to relax when I'm working. Noel Gallagher busycathouse Change image and share on social
I've been buying instruments and musical gear for a long time. Jeff Tweedy buygearhave Change image and share on social
We are very fortunate to live in this country, but at the same time, the reason the forces are so much more destructive here is because they are faceless. Brandon Boyd countrydestructivefaceless Change image and share on social
I hate to confess that I would love to have all of my children in Washington - and at the same time, they've been all over the place, and my heart of hearts, I believe that freedom is wonderful. Susan Shreve childconfessfreedom Change image and share on social
When conservatives talk to one another, pay attention: they say what they want to do, and mean it. And will do just about anything to get there - even, or especially, claiming that they don't want to do the thing they want to do, until the time is ripe, and they can do it. Rick Perlstein attentionclaimconservative share on social
The rhythm of relations of color and size makes the absolute appear in the relativity of time and space. Piet Mondrian absolutecolormake Change image and share on social
Things are beautiful or ugly only in time and space. The new man's vision being liberated from these two factors, all is unified in one unique beauty. Piet Mondrian beautifulbeautyfactor Change image and share on social
When I was still in my psychiatric residency training in New York City, I was subjected to the doctor draft of that time, during the early fifties, at the time of the Korean War. Robert Jay Lifton citydoctordraft Change image and share on social
The novel has always been a contradictory form. Here is a long form narrative mainly read originally by consumers who were only newly literate or limited in their literacy. The novel ranked below poetry, essay and history in prestige for a long time. Matthew Pearl consumercontradictoryessay share on social