I was a pretty delicate kid. Anything that was going around I'd get it and I'd generally get it much worse than other people, so I spent a lot of time out of school. Geraldine Brooks badlydelicategenerally Change image and share on social
No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time. James A. Baldwin happenpossiblytime Change image and share on social
Family time is really important to me. Chad Smith familyimportanttime Change image and share on social
I feel that the critic and music director should have such a good relationship they can pick up the phone and call each other any time. Zubin Mehta callcriticdirector Change image and share on social
In Bombay, we have a fine concert hall. I think it is high time we built venues in Delhi and Calcutta, not only for western music, but also Indian music. It doesn't matter which party is in power; don't you think the capital of India should have a concert hall? Zubin Mehta bombaybuildcalcutta share on social
Whatever I was doing, even when I was at school, I never repressed anything that I felt. I wasn't flamboyant; I was actually quite reticent most of the time. But if I felt I had to do something, I did it. Robert Smith feltflamboyantrepress share on social
Of course everybody's thinking evolves over time. Meles Zenawi evolvethinktime Change image and share on social
Of course everybody's thinking evolves over time. Only dead people cease learning, and I am not certified dead yet. So I am still learning. Meles Zenawi ceasecertifydead Change image and share on social
My kids don't go back and forth; none of this 50/50 time with the mums and dads. My children live with me; that is it. Kate Winslet backchilddad Change image and share on social