In all the time that people have known me, has anyone ever heard me talk about the importance of rushing records or finishing with the most touchdowns? So if that's never been important to me, then why would that be a motivation to keep playing? Barry Sanders finishhearimportance share on social
Each time I free a child, I feel it is something closer to God. Kailash Satyarthi childclosefeel Change image and share on social
Today it is time for every child to have a right to life, right to freedom, right to health, right to education, safety, the right to dignity, right to equality, and right to peace. Kailash Satyarthi childdignityeducation Change image and share on social
Maybe Oliver Stone doesn't lend himself well to remakes or sequels, because he does them so well the first time. Ben Barnes lendoliverremake Change image and share on social
I'm an animal-rights person, actually. Big time. Marilyn Minter animalbigperson Change image and share on social
I think I realized it was an art form at the beginning, but it took me a really long time before I was able to view what I was performing myself as an art form. Patton Oswalt artbeginform Change image and share on social
An often-repeated assertion in the body of film criticism I have written is the assertion that movies do not just mirror the culture of any given time; they also create it. Bell Hooks assertionbodycreate Change image and share on social
I played for anybody and everybody from the time I started playing guitar, when I was 10 or 11. Janis Ian guitarplaystart Change image and share on social
Periodically over the years I've always taken periods of time away from acting. Daniel Day-Lewis acthaveperiod Change image and share on social
I want to be able to talk about changing the world through your actions and being a generation that is aware and a force to be reckoned with - and at the same time be dancing. Taylor Hanson actionawarechange Change image and share on social