I took a long time off to have my baby and spend time with my family. Kelly Preston babyfamilylong Change image and share on social
You want to spend time with your children even though you are tired so you do all those things. Kelly Preston childspendthing Change image and share on social
Every time I talk about this, I say: when the singer is singing, he must be respected, you must be able to hear what he's saying. You can't put a trombone and a drum up there, and a microphone on the drum, microphones on everybody. You can't hear what he's saying. Compay Segundo drumhearmicrophone share on social
My favorite red carpet jewelry is by Alberto Parada, who designed my Oscar jewelry, as it's modern yet old school at the same time. Carly Steel albertocarpetdesign Change image and share on social
Honestly, if I'm around people I like, I can do nothing and have a good time. But when I have downtime, I like to go get a burger. Lucky Blue Smith burgerdowntimegood Change image and share on social
I found out a long time ago that if I didn't have a good story for a song, I could just make one up! Now it seems over half the stories in my show are made up. The funny thing is, those seem to be the ones that resonate the most with the audiences. Ronny Cox agoaudiencefind share on social
I had an insanely long commute - New York to D.C. - when I worked at 'National Geographic.' I hate to waste time, so I spent my time by writing about my life on the premise that I might be able to pitch those as short essays to magazines. It wasn't until later that I realized that I was writing a book. Charles M. Blow bookcommuteessay share on social
It's time we permanently repeal the tax on possessions that people leave to their children. Bill Nelson childleavepeople Change image and share on social
I always was fascinated with China, because I was born in Europe, and for us, China had this fascination and mystery. The first time I came here was in 1989. They were on bicycles, and the speed of the growth has been incredible. Diane von Furstenberg bearbicyclechina share on social
I'm so thankful for that struggling period. That time is really great where you have no idea what's going to happen. Abbi Jacobson greathappenidea Change image and share on social