Once, there was a time in Jerusalem of brotherhood and peace: cultures and languages lived side by side and not one at the expense of the other. Yitzhak Navon brotherhoodcultureexpense Change image and share on social
Scenes change all the time. Scenes will change while you're shooting them, and you just have to roll with it 'cause that's what makes it funny. It's not being stuck in your character and how you're gonna do something, but to react to other people and to really have a real-life conversation. Yara Shahidi changecharacterconversation share on social
At that time, I feel sad, and I feel no one knows how hard I work and how many tears. They only know the score. At that time, I feel very lonely because no one understands since they haven't been world No. 1 before. Yani Tseng feelhardlonely share on social
I see similarities in the sports I played growing up in the sense of how I tackle a role when I get a job. A lot of effort goes in on an individual basis. There is a lot of time spent by yourself working on your craft and what you have to do. But, at the end of the day, you're there to serve the movie just like you would the rugby team. Luke Bracey basiscraftday share on social
I've worked on movies that are being rewritten as you go, but you take so long and so much time doing it, that it's not really an issue knowing what's going to happen or how the movie is going to end. Luke Wilson endhappenhave Change image and share on social
Germany's hierarchical reverence for seniority may have something to do with the fact that everything here happens relatively late. Germans start school at six, graduate in their late 20s, and get their first proper jobs in their 30s. Adolescence can go on a long time. It is rare for anyone to achieve responsibility before their 50s. Luke Harding 20s30s50s share on social
I watch a lot of TV. That's how I spend most of my time outside of work. If I had more time, I would fill it 100 percent with watching TV. Luis von Ahn filllotpercent Change image and share on social
I am Chinese. I speak fluent Mandarin. And I go, 'Man, it's about time a Chinese person could step up to a Hollywood screen, and international screen, and help save the world.' Ludi Lin chinesefluenthollywood Change image and share on social
'Vampire Academy' was a night shoot, so I got to know London in the darkness and had free time during the day. I saw a lot of theater while I was there. Lucy Fry academydarknessday Change image and share on social
I'd just like to be able to walk outside as everyone does and enjoy time with my friends, not feel bad for not wanting to take a picture. Liam Payne badenjoyfeel Change image and share on social