If you wait until the right time to have a child you'll die childless, and I think film making is very much the same thing. You just have to take the plunge and just start shooting something even if it's bad. James Cameron badchildchildless share on social
As a kid, I thought of myself as stupid because I needed remedial help. It was not until much later that I figured out that I was dyslexic and that my trouble with spelling and sounding out words did not mean I was stupid, but early impressions stuck with me and colored my world for a time. Carol W. Greider coloredyslexicearly share on social
Look at everything as though you were seeing it for the first time or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory. Betty Smith earthfillglory Change image and share on social
I definitely prefer working in comedy over drama, but at the same time, when it comes to comedy, I tend to prefer comedies that have a great sense of truth to them and that come from an honest place. Fiona Gubelmann comedydramagreat Change image and share on social
What will I be doing in twenty years' time? I'll be dead, darling! Are you crazy? Freddie Mercury crazydarlingdead Change image and share on social
No man was ever yet a great poet, without being at the same time a profound philosopher. Samuel Taylor Coleridge greatmanphilosopher Change image and share on social
My mom passed away at 41 from diabetes. And I'm 42, thank you. I didn't want to do that to my son. So any time I was at the gym, that thing that helped me do that last squat was my son calling some other woman mommy. And that would just give me that extra oomph to do that last squat. I want to be around for him. Sherri Shepherd calldiabetesextra share on social
Even the most high-maintenance boss isn't going to sit and watch you the whole time, making sure you're paying attention to them, whereas with a child, it's like, 'Wait, what? You're not watching me right now? Really? Then I'm going to go spill this milk.' Even bosses from hell don't behave like that! Ivanka Trump attentionbehavebos share on social
People ask all the time, 'What would you be doing if you weren't Kid Rock?' It's simple: I'd be broke Kid Rock. Kid Rock breakkidpeople Change image and share on social
It is extraordinarily difficult, even in academia, to find a job that will let you do whatever you want with your time. If you are determined to spend your time following your own interests, you pretty much have to do it on your own. Antony Garrett Lisi academiadeterminedifficult share on social