The cost of motoring is a massive issue at the moment, there's no question. The price of petrol goes up every time you go to the petrol station. Lucy Powell costissuemassive Change image and share on social
After I finished 'E.R.', I wanted to concentrate on re-examining what kind of actress I am and taking time for real-life things. Linda Cardellini actressconcentrateexamine Change image and share on social
Mysterious can be cool, if you're in Hollywood and everyone's happy. But it can be really bad if people perceive that the financial interests are adversarial, that there's money versus people. A lot of Goldman Sachs people went into government, so at a time when there's a distrust of institutions, some of that reflects on us. Lloyd Blankfein adversarialbadcool share on social
I play characters. I don't think I really have a persona per se. I don't play the same guy every time. I show up, you don't know what I'm gonna do. I like it that way. I've intentionally tried to do it that way. I think that's what's interesting. Laurence Fishburne charactergonnaguy share on social
I'm one injury away from hanging up the racket at any time. Lleyton Hewitt hanginjuryracket Change image and share on social
Each time that I have two or three days off, I'm off somewhere in California. Lizzie Brochere californiadaytime Change image and share on social
General relativity predicts that time ends inside black holes because the gravitational collapse squeezes matter to infinite density. Lee Smolin blackcollapsedensity Change image and share on social
When things happen - you ask yourself why today, why not tomorrow, why not yesterday? That's the most amazing thing about time. Ozwald Boateng amazehappenthing Change image and share on social
I was lucky, as many of my generation was, in having a man like Dr. King in our lives. He came at a time that we needed to take a long look at each other and see how similar we were. Lena Horne generationkinglive Change image and share on social
When I was in high school, we used to do 15-20 hours of dance per week, and then when you graduate, you don't have that much time on your hands anymore. Laura Slade Wiggins anymoredancegraduate Change image and share on social