I embody the renewed monarchy for a new time. Felipe VI of Spain embodymonarchyrenew Change image and share on social
To know ahead of time what you're looking for means you're then only photographing your own preconceptions, which is very limiting, and often false. Dorothea Lange aheadfalselimit Change image and share on social
I was a volleyball player as a kid. I played volleyball all the time. Danny Strong kidplayplayer Change image and share on social
I am a lazy, cynical, middle-aged guy who has long since come to the conclusion that most historical periods really sucked, for most people, most of the time. Charles Stross ageconclusioncynical Change image and share on social
At the same time that I love meeting people and stuff, I'm a very private person. Casey James lovemeetpeople Change image and share on social
I love Amy Adams. She is wonderful. Evan Rachel Wood is a blast. I am also really excited about Ari Graynor from 'Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist' and 'American Crime.' I think it is an exciting time for young women in this industry. I am excited to make my own path. Candice Accola adamamericanamy share on social
I've been very engaged in Illinois and Chicago civic activities for a long time; mostly around building businesses and helping entrepreneurs grow companies, but also around education and education reform. Bruce Rauner activitybuildbusiness share on social
It's been 25 years now, and truthfully, time sometimes blurs the memory. Bob Kane blurmemorytime Change image and share on social
I spend a lot of time copying saxophone players and trumpet players. Not to say that it is not important to listen to guitar players, but there's so much music out there and so many possibilities. I like anyone who plays any instrument. Bill Frisell copyguitarimportant share on social
From time to time, the Vienna Philharmonic could play without a conductor because they are so good. Bernard Arnault conductorgoodphilharmonic Change image and share on social