Just because I am a chef doesn't mean I don't rely on fast recipes. Indeed, we all have moments when, pressed for time, we'll use a can of tuna and a tomato for a first course. It's a question of choosing the right recipes for the rest of the menu. Jacques Pepin chefchoosefast share on social
Basically, I go to the local farmer's market and decide to what to cook then, depending on what I find. Either my wife or I cook, and we usually finish a bottle or two of wine by the time we are done cooking and eating. Jacques Pepin basicallybottlecook share on social
Tim on the show does a lot of that posturing, of course, and feels sort of threatened by women. But even at that, you do see him cooking, and ultimately he's a good father because he spends a lot of time with the boys. Patricia Richardson boycookfather share on social
New applications will have to deal with big data. We have to analyze it on the fly, so we have to have a system that is transactional and analytical at the same time. We cannot have a multi-stage system. This is too slow for modern applications. Hasso Plattner analyticanalyzeapplication share on social
Some scenes comes together really quickly, and some scenes are disasters that take forever. But it sort of works itself out over time. Greg Mottola disasterforeverquickly Change image and share on social
I'm not really easy to live with! There needs to be unlimited patience and unconditional love. Men I've known before loved my independent spirit and were proud of my success, to the point that they'd become jealous of the time I devote to my career. Milla Jovovich careerdevoteeasy share on social
We expected to have a good time with Clive Anderson 'cause I've always liked him, his shows. Maurice Gibb andersoncliveexpect Change image and share on social
I did everything. I ran my life exactly as I wanted to, all the time. I never listened to anybody. I'm pig-headed. Michael Caine headlifelisten Change image and share on social
Time has the same effect on the mind as on the face; the predominant passion and the strongest feature become more conspicuous from the others' retiring. Mary Wortley Montagu conspicuouseffectface Change image and share on social
There's not much TV these days where you really get that element of surprise. There are so many spoilers all the time. Jenna-Louise Coleman dayelementspoiler Change image and share on social