Music will never stop - it can never stop. I will continue to sing for my fans till the end of time. Sunidhi Chauhan continueendfan Change image and share on social
I think I'm the only singer who doesn't have a temper. The only time I got angry was at a music studio when I was made to wait for three hours without being informed about the delay in the recording. Sunidhi Chauhan angrydelayhour Change image and share on social
The black community has been the foundation of the progressive community in this country for a long time. Benjamin Todd Jealous blackcommunitycountry Change image and share on social
Time begins the healing process of wounds cut deeply by oppression. We soothe ourselves with the salve of attempted indifference, accepting the false pattern set up by the horrible restriction of Jim Crow laws. Rosa Parks acceptattemptbegin share on social
It takes both courage and talent to stand up in front of fellow human beings and make them crack a smile, and at the same time keep it clean. Ray Comfort beingcleancourage Change image and share on social
I don't remember the last time I drove. I'd rather be a passenger unless I'm somewhere beautiful. Riley Keough beautifuldrivepassenger Change image and share on social
Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. Steven Wright amnesiadejatime Change image and share on social
I guess happiness is not a state you want to be in all the time. John Belushi guesshappinessstate Change image and share on social
Any time you do physical stuff, violence, it is controlled. It's a little bit like you block the move. Ron Livingston biteblockcontrol Change image and share on social
As an athlete, you have to become quite selfish with your time and your body and your training. Katarina Johnson-Thompson athletebodyselfish Change image and share on social