By the time the people asking the questions are ready for the answers, the people doing the work have lost track of the questions. Norman Ralph Augustine answerlosepeople Change image and share on social
I've never been typed. John Wayne played 'that guy' all the time - mostly because that's all he could do. Gable played Gable parts, and Bob Taylor played Bob Taylor parts, whether he was in armor or a full-dress suit. I resisted that. Robert Preston armorbobdress share on social
When a place gets crowded enough to require ID's, social collapse is not far away. It is time to go elsewhere. The best thing about space travel is that it made it possible to go elsewhere. Robert A. Heinlein collapsecrowdmake Change image and share on social
My parents were working in a hospital in Memphis. But I didn't live there for any length of time that I remember. The first thing I remember is the town in Mississippi that I live in now, Charleston. Morgan Freeman charlestonhospitallength Change image and share on social
Time was when they that feared the Lord spake often to one another; I am afraid that now they more often speak one against another. Charles Spurgeon afraidfearlord Change image and share on social
I was a really big fan of cartoons growing up, and I loved to read too much into them most of the time. Rebecca Sugar bigcartoonfan Change image and share on social
In Psycho IV, the time is five years after III, and Norman is out of the hospital. He's a married man, and he's finally learned how to love somebody and have natural sex without killing his lover. Joseph Stefano finallyhospitaliii Change image and share on social
For a London play, rehearsal time would be four weeks for the entire show. In films, I'd spend six weeks on the big dance numbers to get them perfect before the actual shooting. Jessie Matthews actualbigdance Change image and share on social
Children who have been in work for a long time suddenly get a thud down to earth once the cuteness fades, hips widen, voices drop and jawlines strengthen. Jessie Cave childcutenessdrop Change image and share on social
I did stand-up for a long time, and I did classical theater. As much time as you could spend on a stage will always inform you and your job, as you evolve. I feel the freedom of being able to find comedy in the darkest moments because it makes it way more interesting, I think. Kevin Durand classicalcomedydark share on social