Dementia is quite unlike cancer or heart disease or any of those other conditions where you bargain with God for a cure or even just a bit more time. Laurie Graham bargainbitecancer Change image and share on social
When Rose McDermott, a professor of political science at Brown University, got divorced two years ago, she noticed that a cluster of her friends were splitting up at around the same time. Katie Hafner agobrowncluster Change image and share on social
And, as if nature were protecting man against his own ingenuity, the reproductive processes were affected for a time; men became sterile, women had miscarriages, menstruation stopped. John Hersey affectingenuityman Change image and share on social
To think straight, it is advisable to expect all qualities and attributes, adjectives, and so on to refer to at least two sets of interactions in time. Gregory Bateson adjectiveadvisableattribute Change image and share on social
You have to get to know your voice and its strengths and play on those. It took me quite a long time. Glenn Tipton longplaystrength Change image and share on social
At the same time, I definitely want to expand my fan base but not at the expense of prostituting my music or heart. George Duke baseexpandexpense Change image and share on social
Of course, tax revenues have ended up being substantially higher than they were at the time these dire projections were made, and we are very close now to having a balanced budget. All that has been very helpful. Charles Vest balancebudgetclose share on social
My idea right from the beginning, I guess, was to dismantle the immune system one gene at a time so we could track the mutations that cause problems. Bruce Beutler begindismantlegene Change image and share on social
In so many ways, it feels the same now when I play as the very first time I picked up the instrument. There's always this sound out there that's just a little bit beyond my reach and I'm trying to get there and that just sort of keeps me going. Bill Frisell bitefeltinstrument share on social
T Bone and I grew up together in Fort Worth, Texas. He had his own recording studio by the time he was seventeen years old. When we were both nineteen he made the first archival recording of my voice. Betty Buckley archivalbonefort Change image and share on social