I haven't had an easy life, but at some point, you have to take responsibility for yourself and shape who it is that you want to be. I have no time for moaners. I like to chase my dreams and surround myself with other people who are chasing their dreams, too. Aimee Mullins chasedreameasy share on social
I live now on borrowed time, waiting in the anteroom for the summons that will inevitably come. And then - I go on to the next thing, whatever it is. One doesn't, luckily, have to bother about that. Agatha Christie anteroomborrowbother Change image and share on social
Some authors are quite happy - and have the time - to do it all themselves, which is great. Allan Guthrie authorgreathappy Change image and share on social
The biggest thing you can do is understand that every time you're going to the grocery store, you're voting with your dollars. Support your farmers' market. Support local food. Really learn to cook. Alice Waters bigcookdollar Change image and share on social
I'm a fun person, but to be the life of the party all the time, just to walk into a room and be 'on' and have everybody looking at you, that is so incredibly scary for me. Agnes Bruckner funincrediblylife Change image and share on social
The best compliment came from Knopf's Sonny Mehta. We were at lunch in New York with my editor, Gary Fisketjon, it was my first time meeting Sonny, and after ordering our food, he turned to me and said, 'Adam, I read 'Mr. Peanut' in two days; every page surprised me, and that, I can assure you, doesn't happen often.' Adam Ross adamassurecompliment share on social
A person is not the same in his life at all times. Your consciousness is developing all the time. When I started making 'El Topo,' I was one person. When I finished that picture, I was another person. Alejandro Jodorowsky consciousnessdevelopfinish Change image and share on social
Life will take its toll on all of us. We get injured, we get old. It's really sad to try to run away from these harsh realities of life. Looks are not everything. I am not going to look beautiful all the time. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan beautifulharshinjure share on social
When I was planning LearnVest, everyone told me I had to talk to Ann Kaplan, one of the first female partners at Goldman Sachs. Within five minutes of our meeting, she totally got the idea - and by the time I left, she was a seed investor. Alexa Von Tobel annfemalegoldman share on social
In hindsight, that time out of football gives you the hunger to want to get back to basics and play football. Alan Smith backbasicfootball Change image and share on social