I know it will take a little time to adapt to a different team and a different league. Robbie Keane adaptleagueteam Change image and share on social
There's this thing in Hollywood about the sympathetic character and likability. I've never understood that because the people I love most in my life are not likable all the time. My wife is not always likable. I'm certainly not always likable. My dad is not always likable. We're human beings. Derek Cianfrance beingcharacterdad share on social
As long as I am given the opportunity to keep performing and keep exploring in whatever medium, I'll be happy. As long as I get to spend time with my family, I'll be happy. As long as I can write in some form, I'll be happy. It is the essential things like that I equate with happiness. Dan Stevens equateessentialexplore share on social
While certainly no pressing threat to Gordon Lightfoot, I knew it was simply a matter of time until I was going to be a star. Dan Hill gordonknowlightfoot Change image and share on social
My room is never clean. I play 'Guitar Hero' all the time and throw things around my room. Miranda Cosgrove cleanguitarhero Change image and share on social
Being an outsider means not being heard, not having a voice. It means being treated as a second-class citizen, being diminished in the eyes of others. We have all felt this way at one time or another, but some feel it more consistently. Unfortunately, our schools often do not embrace the talents of many of their occupants. Chris Crutcher citizenclassconsistently share on social
German is more familiar now since I live part of the year in Rome and part in the German part of Switzerland. But it's not difficult to sing in German; it's difficult to feel in German. This takes time. It's a culture. Cecilia Bartoli culturedifficultfamiliar share on social
I still have an old painting the Colonel gave me. It was the first time the Colonel had been back to the Hilton since Elvis had passed away. Mac Davis backcolonelelvis Change image and share on social
A lot of kids are bullied because of their sexuality, and that breaks my heart, because they're going to have to - high school's hard enough to overcome. Middle school is hard enough to overcome when we get out of it. They say life is what you spend your time getting over because of high school, you know what I mean? Kristin Chenoweth breakbullyhard share on social
I've been musically inclined since I picked up an instrument in the fourth grade. I just really appreciate music. I love to listen to it; I love to sing. I wouldn't consider myself, like, a natural singer. I just developed it over time, honestly, just listening. I'm a great listener to music. Kyrie Irving developfourthgrade share on social