Even where friendship is concerned, it takes me a long time to trust people. Namie Amuro concernfriendshiplong Change image and share on social
I wasn't dyslexic, I was just very slow. I passed my time daydreaming. Jean Dujardin daydreamdyslexicpass Change image and share on social
You need to have time to really hear God. Karen Kingsbury godheartime Change image and share on social
The thing about Hitchcock which is quite extraordinary for a director of that time, he had a very strong sense of his own image and publicizing himself. Just a very strong sense of himself as the character of Hitchcock. Toby Jones characterdirectorextraordinary share on social
With two kids it's hard to find down time to write so I often write during their nap time. Tori Spelling findhardkid Change image and share on social
When I started out, it was around the whole 9/11 - Islamophobia was just sort of hitting a second wind. Obviously that informed a lot of my humor, and it influenced a lot of what I was talking about on stage because it was extremely relevant at the time. Riaad Moosa extremelyhithumor share on social
There is a way to practice hard and be physical without pads. You can still be a physical football team and be efficient in practice without pads. The 49ers practiced like that for a long period of time in the 1980s under Bill Walsh and were extremely successful when all the other teams were practicing in pads. Jimmy Johnson 1980s49ersbill share on social
People don't get involved with local charities or politics because they think it's hard to make a difference and the problem feels overwhelming. But I believe that if all I've time for this year is to write one letter to the local council, it's still worth doing. Monica Ali charitycouncildifference share on social
I saw my mother crying for the first time, which made a huge impression on me, when I came home from kindergarten, and she was watching TV because JFK - that Irish Catholic president that we loved - had been killed. Tim Kaine catholiccryhome share on social
I go to a Calvary Chapel church out here in Los Angeles. I had been here about two years at the time. I'm very close with my church, very close with the pastor and his wife, and I work with a girls' ministry here. Tiffany Dupont angelescalvarychapel share on social