The present time, together with the past, shall be judged by a great jovialist. Nostradamus greatjovialistjudge Change image and share on social
I got nominated for a Tony in my Broadway debut, which was fascinating and thrilling and sort of unbelievable all at the same time. Pablo Schreiber broadwaydebutfascinate Change image and share on social
Knowing that the time to sleep has come, the Lord sleeps, and does well in sleeping. Often, when we have been fretting and worrying, we should have glorified God far more had we literally gone to sleep. Charles Spurgeon fretglorifygod share on social
I was the kid who always hung back and then dropped the jokes when you least expected it. Timing was everything. My mouth sort of developed over time. Jeff Ross backdevelopdrop Change image and share on social
A lot of my friends growing up were hunters, but I spent all my time on the ice hurting actual humans playing hockey. I never had the chance to run through the woods and shoot at a moose or deer. I was shooting pucks at goaltender's heads. Kevin Durand actualchancedeer share on social
People forget what it was like to be young, the stuff I'm expressing now is for the first time. Joss Stone expressforgetpeople Change image and share on social
I think people who live in New York don't realize just how much time they spend talking about the subway. Ira Glass livepeoplerealize Change image and share on social
Was there ever in anyone's life span a point free in time, devoid of memory, a night when choice was any more than the sum of all the choices gone before? Joan Didion choicedevoidfree Change image and share on social
Coming from West Texas at the time that I did, I didn't know you could be an actor. It didn't seem like something that actually happened. Deanna Dunagan actorcomehappen Change image and share on social
I don't think it's unusual to spend time with your castmate. Isabel Lucas castmatespendtime Change image and share on social