Each time you choose not to act on a frightened part of your personality, you create authentic power - and you grow spiritually. The frightened parts of your personality come less frequently and with less intensity, and the loving parts fill more and more of your consciousness. Gary Zukav actauthenticchoose share on social
When I sing, I go somewhere else. Every time after I sing, I'll ask, 'Did I do OK?' Because I feel like it's like my soul squeezing out of my vocal chords. I don't sit there and think about 'I'm gonna do this next...' I just sing. I sing from my heart, and my heart's got a little lonesome in it. Ashley Monroe chordfeelgonna share on social
Every time I go into a tournament, I'm strictly on my own. I know I'm playing for my bread and butter. Charlie Sifford breadbutterplay Change image and share on social
It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that. G. H. Hardy definitionintelligentmajority Change image and share on social
Everybody has their demons that they face, and I went through a time when I thought it was impossible to love myself. Lindsey Stirling demonfaceimpossible Change image and share on social
Myths can't be translated as they did in their ancient soil. We can only find our own meaning in our own time. Margaret Atwood ancientfindmean Change image and share on social
I feel like a million tonight - but one at a time. Bette Midler feelmilliontime Change image and share on social
I considered becoming a priest very seriously. I wanted to travel the world. By the time I turned 16, I realized I was only in it for selfish reasons. And, more importantly, I didn't want to sacrifice the ladies! James McAvoy considerimportantlylady share on social
It's one of the things that 'Everwood' - what makes a great 'Everwood' episode is when it makes you laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time. From the first season, we've always had the chance to deal with death in a very real way, in a way that a lot of other shows can't or don't. Greg Berlanti chancecrydeal share on social
I went through a period of time when math was my favorite subject. Then math wasn't as fun so much. Noah Gray-Cabey favoritefunmath Change image and share on social