Bubbles was a very good dancer. Tremendous dancer. He was one of our leading dancers of the country at that time. And, of course, he didn't have much of a voice. Cab Calloway bubblecountrydancer Change image and share on social
Teens affect history. They affect lives; they affect our cultural growth and change, and yet, and at the same time, they are often the most vulnerable among us. Mary E. Pearson affectchangecultural Change image and share on social
You know what, it's a time honored tradition in movies in America that if you kill enough people in your 30s and 40s and 50s that by the time you get into your 60s you become loveable. M. C. Gainey 30s40s50s Change image and share on social
I first decided that I wanted to act when I was 9. And I was at a very bizarre prep school at the time; to say 'high Anglo-Catholic' would be a real English understatement. John Hurt actanglobizarre Change image and share on social
I have reasons to believe that I could win the World Cup, but I take it one race at a time. Marcel Hirscher cupracereason Change image and share on social
Containment, as everyone will recall, was a rough plan for stopping the Communists any time they crossed a certain line dividing our half of the world from theirs. M. Stanton Evans communistcontainmentcross Change image and share on social
I am not ashamed of my grandparents for having been slaves. I am only ashamed of myself for having at one time being ashamed. Ralph Ellison ashamedgrandparentslave Change image and share on social
Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice. Dave Barry choicedeeplyholiday Change image and share on social
The present time has one advantage over every other - it is our own. Charles Caleb Colton advantagepresenttime Change image and share on social