I have four daughters. A lot of the time, I don't allow myself to be in projects that objectify women. Terry Crews daughterlotobjectify Change image and share on social
Having no competition is a bad thing. Competition makes you try to improve yourself all the time. Shu Qi badcompetitionimprove Change image and share on social
It's only because I feel like such a philistine spending all that time in hair and makeup that I started to knit. I used to spend that time studying Italian and French. Then after I had two kids, my brain turned to mush and I took up knitting. Felicity Huffman brainfeelfrench share on social
When I was 18, I lived in Greenwich Village, New York, for nine months. At that time, I wanted to change the world, not through architecture, but through painting. I lived the artist's life, mingling with poets and writers, and working as a waiter. I was intrigued by the aliveness of the city. Christian de Portzamparc alivenessarchitectureartist share on social
Shy is the oyster, fervent is the clam, peaceful is the ocean floor rocked by the sands of time. Bradley Chicho clamferventfloor Change image and share on social
You just can't make any movie and it will be good now. This is a really a difficult time to be in films. Keenen Ivory Wayans difficultfilmgood Change image and share on social
I aim to direct as much as I act at some point in time. Ian Somerhalder actaimdirect Change image and share on social
Every time a man expects, as he says, his money to work for him, he is expecting other people to work for him. Dorothy L. Sayers expectmanmoney Change image and share on social
The key to getting work done on time is to stop wearing a watch. Ricardo Semler keystoptime Change image and share on social
I think if you want to become a great football player, professional, you must give all the time one hundred percent, you must work hard - to be lucky is a good thing - but if you work hard and you give everything you will have great success. Greg Akcelrod footballgivegood share on social