I used to sing songs from musicals all the time as a kid. Sara Bareilles kidmusicalsing Change image and share on social
When things have gone really wrong in my life, I've cried like a child. I have really, really cried. I cry it out. Two-three days I cry, and then I'm like, enough, time to deal with reality and figure a way out. This is the way I have dealt with everything. Bipasha Basu childcryday share on social
The magnificent cosmos is a palace that has the sun and the moon as its lamps and the stars as its candles; time is like a rope or ribbon hung within it, on to which the Glorious Creator each year threads a new world. Said Nursi candlecosmoscreator share on social
I don't like to spend money when I'm traveling. I like to go places like Hawaii and not spend money. I splurge on time. Jonny Weston hawaiimoneyplace Change image and share on social
I thank the Almighty for the most wonderful 18 years. Far, far, too short a time. John Zimmerman almightyshorttime Change image and share on social
Originally, I was in both software and in online computing. The first innovation really was sort of at that time that we're marrying the telephone and the computer so that people wouldn't have to drive to the computer center. We didn't have $1,000 computers. Sam Wyly 000centercompute share on social
There is no labor in which we engage but that there is a spirit telling us, 'Oh, you do not need to do that; it is a waste of time, and you ought to be engaged in something else.' Heber J. Grant engagelaborspirit Change image and share on social
If you bore them to death and say, this hurts me more than it hurts you, #A, they're not going to believe it, and #B, they're going to invest their time in other things anyway. Robert Sternberg beardeathhurt Change image and share on social
Basically, with a regular camera, you have to take time or allow the camera to focus before you take the shot. Ren Ng basicallycamerafocus Change image and share on social
I feel so disassociated from my writing - whether it's in book form or magazine - that I sometimes have a hard time believing that it's mine. Michael Paterniti believebookdisassociate Change image and share on social