Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still. Dorothea Lange alterholdinstant Change image and share on social
Every time I've made a plan in my Hollywood acting career, something else has happened, so I've gotten out of the habit of trying to predict the future. Dermot Mulroney actcareerfuture Change image and share on social
For instance, he says I let him play golf, and he says, he lets me be miserable in my job. Now - that doesn't quite sound right, does it? But nonetheless, I think for the first time in my life, I'm not going to be miserable in my life when I come and work at CNN. Connie Chung cnngolfinstance share on social
I love spin classes. I'm also very big on music, so I make a mix on my iPod that's 45 minutes to an hour long of music that pumps me up so I know how much time I've been at the gym without looking at the clock. Put your favorite songs towards the end of the mix, so this way you keep going until you hear your favorite song. Candice Accola bigclassclock share on social
What I like best about music is when time goes away. Bob Weir musictime Change image and share on social
I didn't have the time to literally write and draw the strip at the same time. Bob Kane drawliterallystrip Change image and share on social
I can do whatever I want. They will tell me if what I am doing is stupid or a total waste of time. I may tell them that they are wrong, and we will come to an agreement. Bill Budge agreementstupidtime Change image and share on social
But I would say maybe just from an actress's perspective, probably 'Woman Under the Influence' is the best movie of all time. The style of filmmaking and the performances... you don't feel like you're watching a film. Olivia Thirlby actressfeelfilm share on social
I think one's history and past is important at a certain time in your life, especially as an artist, just to try to hone in on that. Olivia d'Abo artisthistoryhone Change image and share on social
The decline of the aperitif may well be one of the most depressing phenomena of our time. Luis Bunuel aperitifdeclinedepress Change image and share on social